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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000126mercuryBugpublic2010-01-25 17:08
Assigned Towangp 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000126: unable to build asm_fast.gc.stseg grade under cygwin
Descriptionmgnuc --grade asm_fast.gc.stseg --c-debug --no-ansi -- -c mercury_stacks.c -o mercury_stacks.o
mercury_stacks.c: In function `MR_rewind_nondetstack_segments':
mercury_stacks.c:330: error: structure has no member named `MR_zone_redzone'
make[2]: *** [mercury_stacks.o] Error 1

The problem is that MR_zone_redzone is only defined if one can use mprotect to check for overflow, which one cannot do on cygwin.
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-01-12 11:10 petdr New Issue
2010-01-12 11:10 petdr Status new => assigned
2010-01-12 11:10 petdr Assigned To => wangp
2010-01-25 17:08 wangp Status assigned => resolved
2010-01-25 17:08 wangp Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History