2025-01-26 15:41 AEDT

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000127mercuryBugpublic2010-02-05 14:13
Assigned Towangp 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000127: implementation defined constants don't work with try goals
DescriptionThe compiler aborts if the module contains a try goal that uses an implementation defined constant:

Software Error: hlds_code_util.m: Unexpected: cons_id_to_tag: implementation_defined_const
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-01-14 13:15 wangp New Issue
2010-01-14 13:16 wangp Status new => assigned
2010-01-14 13:16 wangp Assigned To => wangp
2010-02-05 14:13 wangp Status assigned => resolved
2010-02-05 14:13 wangp Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History