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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000193mercuryBugpublic2012-07-06 11:19
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000193: --introduce-accumulators doesn't recognize "promise all" containing type annotation
DescriptionSee attached program. Accumulator introduction works with the commented-out "promise all", but not when a do-nothing type annotation is added as in the uncommented "promise all".
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juliensf (administrator)

It also doesn't work if you module qualify the "*" operators on the lhs of the promise,
instead of type qualifying them.


juliensf (administrator)

The problem here is that processing the type qualification introduces extra unifications to the goals
generated for the promise but the code in compiler/assertion.m that examines the promise goal
does cover the situation where extra unifications are present.

(1) The working case

For the declaration:

:- promise all [A, B, C, ABC] (A * B) * C = ABC <=> A * (B * C) = ABC.

the corresponding "promise" predicate generated by the compiler is:

accumbug.'promise__10__accumbug.m'(A, B, C, ABC) :-
  \+ (
    ABC = int.(V_5 * C),
    V_5 = int.(A * B),
    \+ (
      ABC = int.(A * V_6),
      V_6 = int.(B * C)
  \+ (
    ABC = int.(A * V_8),
    V_8 = int.(B * C),
    \+ (
      ABC = int.(V_7 * C),
      V_7 = int.(A * B)

(2) The broken case

For the declaration:

:- promise all [A, B, C, ABC] (A * B) * C = ABC : int <=> A * (B * C) = ABC.

the corresponding "promise" predicate generated by the compiler is:

accumbug.'promise__9__accumbug.m'(A, B, C, ABC) :-
  \+ (
    V_5 = int.(V_6 * C),
    V_6 = int.(A * B),
    V_5 = ABC, (**)
    \+ (
      ABC = int.(A * V_7),
      V_7 = int.(B * C)
  \+ (
    ABC = int.(A * V_10),
    V_10 = int.(B * C),
    \+ (
      V_8 = int.(V_9 * C),
      V_9 = int.(A * B),
      V_8 = ABC (**)

The code in assertion.m does not account for the extra unifications at (**)

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-03-28 07:56 colanderman New Issue
2011-03-28 07:56 colanderman File Added: accumbug.m
2011-04-07 08:10 juliensf Note Added: 0000325
2011-05-14 02:38 juliensf Note Added: 0000332
2011-05-14 02:38 juliensf Status new => confirmed
+Issue History