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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000340mercuryBugpublic2014-06-25 17:36
Assigned Towangp 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000340: strerror not thread-safe
Descriptionio.m uses strerror in a couple of cases as if it is thread-safe when it is not, and probably there are other cases in the runtime. An alternative is strerror_r, or strerror_s on Windows. I think we should create a wrapper MR_strerror around both, and forget about trying to lock around uses of strerror().
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juliensf (administrator)


-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-06-23 16:17 wangp New Issue
2014-06-23 16:22 juliensf Note Added: 0000703
2014-06-25 17:36 wangp Status new => resolved
2014-06-25 17:36 wangp Resolution open => fixed
2014-06-25 17:36 wangp Assigned To => wangp
+Issue History