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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000368mercuryBugpublic2015-02-08 12:18
Assigned Tozs 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000368: Table reset predicates not generated in Erlang grade
DescriptionThe module compiler/ctgc.selector contains a number of predicates that are the subject of memo pragmas and that have the reset attribute specified. The reset predicates are called by other predicates
in this module. Although tabling is not supported by the Erlang backend, we still need to generate
dummy versions of the reset predicates where there are references to them. This is the cause
of the errors from the Erlang compiler about undefined functions in the build output below.
Steps To ReproduceBuild the Mercury compiler in the erlang grade.
Additional InformationMaking Mercury/int3s/transform_hlds.ctgc.selector.int3
Making Mercury/ints/transform_hlds.ctgc.selector.int
Making Mercury/erls/transform_hlds__ctgc__selector.erl
ctgc.selector.m:066: Ignoring the pragma memo for predicate
ctgc.selector.m:066: `transform_hlds.ctgc.selector.normalize_selector_with_type_information'/4
ctgc.selector.m:066: mode 0 due to lack of support on this back end.
ctgc.selector.m:288: Ignoring the pragma memo for predicate
ctgc.selector.m:288: `transform_hlds.ctgc.selector.type_contains_subtype_1'/4
ctgc.selector.m:288: mode 0 due to lack of support on this back end.
ctgc.selector.m:330: Ignoring the pragma memo for predicate
ctgc.selector.m:330: `transform_hlds.ctgc.selector.type_arg_types'/3 mode 0
ctgc.selector.m:330: due to lack of support on this back end.
Making Mercury/beams/transform_hlds__ctgc__selector.beam
ctgc.selector.m:295: syntax error before: ','
ctgc.selector.m:334: syntax error before: ','
Mercury/erls/transform_hlds__ctgc__selector.erl:354: function table_reset_for_type_contains_subtype_1_4_2_p_0/0 undefined
Mercury/erls/transform_hlds__ctgc__selector.erl:355: function table_reset_for_type_arg_types_3_2_p_0/0 undefined
** Error making `Mercury/beams/transform_hlds__ctgc__selector.beam'.
/var/folders/pd/5lypc6_j3vnf65q9x5y9s3p40000gn/T//mmake.YQsUfH:1400: recipe for target 'top_level' failed
gmake[1]: *** [top_level] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/Users/jfischer/Mercury-Workspaces/mercury.local-4/compiler'
/var/folders/pd/5lypc6_j3vnf65q9x5y9s3p40000gn/T//mmake.nCDJA5:1066: recipe for target 'compiler' failed
gmake: *** [compiler] Error 2
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zs (developer)

Fix committed 2015 feb 5.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-12-02 22:19 juliensf New Issue
2015-02-05 01:05 zs Assigned To => zs
2015-02-05 01:05 zs Status new => assigned
2015-02-08 12:18 zs Note Added: 0000808
2015-02-08 12:18 zs Status assigned => resolved
2015-02-08 12:18 zs Resolution open => fixed
+Issue History