2024-07-27 17:14 AEST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000435mercuryBugpublic2018-09-22 12:16
Assigned Towangp 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Platformx86_64-pc-linux-gnuOSAlpine LinuxOS Version3.5
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000435: Old workaround in runtime causes compilation warnings
DescriptionThe #include of <sys/signal.h> in runtime/mercury_memory_handlers.c and runtime/mercury_memory_zones.c causes compilation warnings with musl libc, namely:

    warning redirecting incorrect #include <sys/signal.h> to <signal.h>

(glibc does a similar redirection minus the warning.)

The #include of sys/signal.h is a workaround for problems with FreeBSD around 2001.
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wangp (developer)

Fixed by commit 58345256f

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-03-29 10:00 juliensf New Issue
2018-09-22 12:16 wangp Assigned To => wangp
2018-09-22 12:16 wangp Status new => resolved
2018-09-22 12:16 wangp Resolution open => fixed
2018-09-22 12:16 wangp Note Added: 0001013
+Issue History