2025-01-18 19:35 AEDT

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000065mercuryBugpublic2008-08-07 11:20
Assigned Towangp 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000065: probable bug in .stseg grades
DescriptionWe can't bootcheck in asm_fast.gc.decldebug.stseg. This is on saturn. The
compiler crashes when trying to make the stage 2 dependencies:

% MERCURY_OPTIONS= mmake depend
make[1]: *** [mer_std.depend] Illegal instruction
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/saturn/wangp/ws_try_debug_stseg_bootcheck/stage2/library'

The crash goes away if you bump up the nondet stack size (e.g. --nondetstack-size 8192).
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
  • ? file icon nondet_stseg.m (1,413 bytes) 2008-07-18 17:09
  • diff file icon nondetstseg2.diff (15,373 bytes) 2008-08-01 14:53 -
    diff --git a/runtime/mercury_memory_zones.c b/runtime/mercury_memory_zones.c
    index 47b3420..6b64b23 100644
    --- a/runtime/mercury_memory_zones.c
    +++ b/runtime/mercury_memory_zones.c
    @@ -436,6 +436,10 @@ MR_unget_zone(MR_MemoryZone *zone)
         assert(res == 0);
    +    /* XXX for debugging */
    +    memset(zone->MR_zone_bottom, 0xff,
    +        ((char *) zone->MR_zone_top) - ((char *) zone->MR_zone_bottom));
             ((char *) zone->MR_zone_top) - ((char *) zone->MR_zone_bottom));
    @@ -489,6 +493,11 @@ MR_next_offset(void)
         size_t offset;
    +    /* XXX on really small stacks, an offset can cause us to start past the
    +     * stack threshold so disable it while testing
    +     */
    +    return 0;
         offset = offset_vector[offset_counter];
         offset_counter = (offset_counter + 1) % (CACHE_SLICES - 1);
    @@ -531,7 +540,6 @@ MR_construct_zone(const char *name, int id, MR_Word *base,
         MR_MemoryZone   *zone;
         size_t          total_size;
    -    int             res;
         if (base == NULL) {
             MR_fatal_error("MR_construct_zone called with NULL pointer");
    @@ -652,6 +660,8 @@ MR_setup_redzones(MR_MemoryZone *zone)
         size = zone->MR_zone_desired_size;
         redsize = zone->MR_zone_redzone_size;
    +    assert(size > redsize);
         ** setup the redzone
    @@ -661,6 +671,15 @@ MR_setup_redzones(MR_MemoryZone *zone)
         zone->MR_zone_redzone_base = zone->MR_zone_redzone;
    +    /*
    +    ** When using small memory zones, the offset given by MR_next_offset()
    +    ** might have us starting in the middle of the redzone.  Don't do that.
    +    */
    +    if (zone->MR_zone_min >= zone->MR_zone_redzone) {
    +        zone->MR_zone_min = zone->MR_zone_bottom;
    +    }
    +    assert(zone->MR_zone_min < zone->MR_zone_redzone);
         res = MR_protect_pages((char *) zone->MR_zone_redzone, redsize + MR_unit,
         if (res < 0) {
    @@ -697,6 +716,9 @@ MR_setup_redzones(MR_MemoryZone *zone)
     #if defined(MR_STACK_SEGMENTS) && !defined(MR_HIGHLEVEL_CODE)
         zone->MR_zone_extend_threshold = (char *) zone->MR_zone_end
             - MR_stack_margin_size;
    +    assert((MR_Word *) zone->MR_zone_extend_threshold > zone->MR_zone_min);
    +    assert((MR_Word *) zone->MR_zone_extend_threshold < zone->MR_zone_redzone);
    diff --git a/runtime/mercury_stacks.c b/runtime/mercury_stacks.c
    index da11e2f..2277ad9 100644
    --- a/runtime/mercury_stacks.c
    +++ b/runtime/mercury_stacks.c
    @@ -212,8 +212,9 @@ MR_Word *MR_new_detstack_segment(MR_Word *sp, int n)
         old_sp = sp;
    +    /* We perform explicit overflow checks so redzones just waste space. */
         new_zone = MR_create_zone("detstack_segment", 0, MR_detstack_size, 0,
    -        MR_detstack_zone_size, MR_default_handler);
    +        0, MR_default_handler);
         list = MR_GC_malloc_uncollectable(sizeof(MR_MemoryZones));
    @@ -221,8 +222,8 @@ MR_Word *MR_new_detstack_segment(MR_Word *sp, int n)
         printf("create new det segment: old zone: %p, old sp %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_detstack_zone), old_sp);
         printf("old sp: ");
    -    MR_printdetstack(old_sp);
    -    printf("old succip: ");
    +    MR_printdetstack(stdout, old_sp);
    +    printf(", old succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, MR_succip);
    @@ -244,8 +245,8 @@ MR_Word *MR_new_detstack_segment(MR_Word *sp, int n)
         printf("create new det segment: new zone: %p, new sp %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_detstack_zone), MR_sp);
         printf("new sp: ");
    -    MR_printdetstack(MR_sp);
    -    printf("new succip: ");
    +    MR_printdetstack(stdout, MR_sp);
    +    printf(", new succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, MR_ENTRY(MR_pop_detstack_segment));
    @@ -259,10 +260,19 @@ MR_new_nondetstack_segment(MR_Word *maxfr, int n)
         MR_MemoryZones  *list;
         MR_MemoryZone   *new_zone;
    +    {
    +        static int first = 1;
    +        if (first) {
    +            printf("MR_new_nondetstack_segment called\n");
    +            first = 0;
    +        }
    +    }
         old_maxfr = maxfr;
    +    /* We perform explicit overflow checks so redzones just waste space. */
         new_zone = MR_create_zone("nondetstack_segment", 0, MR_nondetstack_size, 0,
    -        MR_nondetstack_zone_size, MR_default_handler);
    +        0, MR_default_handler);
         list = MR_GC_malloc_uncollectable(sizeof(MR_MemoryZones));
    @@ -270,8 +280,8 @@ MR_new_nondetstack_segment(MR_Word *maxfr, int n)
         printf("create new nondet segment: old zone: %p, old maxfr %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone), old_maxfr);
         printf("old maxfr: ");
    -    MR_printnondetstack(old_maxfr);
    -    printf("old succip: ");
    +    MR_printnondetstack(stdout, old_maxfr);
    +    printf(", old succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, MR_succip);
    @@ -282,19 +292,26 @@ MR_new_nondetstack_segment(MR_Word *maxfr, int n)
         MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_maxfr) =
    +    /* Point maxfr at the base of the new stack segment. */
         MR_maxfr_word = (MR_Word) MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_maxfr);
    -    MR_mkframe("new_nondetstack_segment", 1, MR_ENTRY(MR_do_fail));
    +    assert(MR_maxfr < (MR_Word *) MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone)->
    +        MR_zone_extend_threshold);
    +    /* Create a stub frame. */
    +    MR_mkframe("new_nondetstack_segment", 1, MR_ENTRY(MR_do_not_reached));
         MR_framevar(1) = (MR_Word) old_maxfr;
    +    assert(MR_succip == MR_succip_slot(MR_maxfr));
    -    MR_maxfr_word = (MR_Word) (MR_maxfr + (MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE + (n)));
    +    /* Create the real frame. */
    +    MR_maxfr_word = (MR_Word) (MR_maxfr + MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE + n);
         printf("create new nondet segment: new zone: %p, new maxfr %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone), MR_maxfr);
         printf("new maxfr: ");
    -    MR_printnondetstack(MR_maxfr);
    -    printf("new succip: ");
    +    MR_printnondetstack(stdout, MR_maxfr);
    +    printf(", new succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, MR_ENTRY(MR_pop_nondetstack_segment));
    @@ -325,8 +342,8 @@ MR_define_entry(MR_pop_detstack_segment);
         printf("restore old det segment: old zone %p, old sp %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_detstack_zone), MR_sp);
         printf("old sp: ");
    -    MR_printdetstack(MR_sp);
    -    printf("old succip: ");
    +    MR_printdetstack(stdout, MR_sp);
    +    printf(", old succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, MR_succip);
    @@ -342,8 +359,8 @@ MR_define_entry(MR_pop_detstack_segment);
         printf("restore old det segment: new zone %p, new sp %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_detstack_zone), orig_sp);
         printf("new sp: ");
    -    MR_printdetstack(orig_sp);
    -    printf("new succip: ");
    +    MR_printdetstack(stdout, orig_sp);
    +    printf(", new succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, orig_succip);
    @@ -358,18 +375,50 @@ MR_define_entry(MR_pop_nondetstack_segment);
         MR_MemoryZones  *list;
    +    MR_Word         *stub_fr;
         MR_Word         *orig_maxfr;
         MR_Code         *orig_succip;
    -    orig_maxfr = (MR_Word *) MR_stackvar(1);
    -    orig_succip = (MR_Code *) MR_stackvar(2);
    +    /*
    +    ** MR_curfr points at the frame that it would be pointing at,
    +    ** had the stub frame not been present.
    +    */
    +    stub_fr = MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone)->MR_zone_min
    +        + MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE + 1;
    +#if 0
    +    if (MR_maxfr != stub_fr) {
    +        MR_Word *fr;
    +        /* stub_fr seems to give the right succip */
    +        fr = stub_fr;
    +        printf("not popping, jumping to %p instead, curfr = %p\n",
    +            MR_succip_slot(fr), MR_curfr);
    +        MR_GOTO(MR_succip_slot(fr));
    +    }
    +    orig_maxfr = (MR_Word *) MR_based_framevar(stub_fr, 1);
    +    /* XXX shouldn't this be true? */
    +    /* orig_maxfr = MR_prevfr_slot(stub_fr); */
    +    orig_succip = (MR_Code *) MR_succip_slot(stub_fr);
    +    assert(MR_curfr == MR_succfr_slot(stub_fr));
    +    assert(
    +        orig_maxfr < (MR_Word *) MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone)->
    +            MR_zone_min ||
    +        orig_maxfr > (MR_Word *) MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone)->
    +            MR_zone_extend_threshold
    +    );
         printf("restore old nondet segment: old zone %p, old maxfr %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone), MR_maxfr);
         printf("old maxfr: ");
    -    MR_printnondetstack(MR_maxfr);
    -    printf("old succip: ");
    +    MR_printnondetstack(stdout, MR_maxfr);
    +    printf(", old succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, MR_succip);
    @@ -378,6 +427,7 @@ MR_define_entry(MR_pop_nondetstack_segment);
         list = MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_prev_nondetstack_zones);
         MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone) = list->MR_zones_head;
         MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_prev_nondetstack_zones) = list->MR_zones_tail;
    +    /* XXX do we need this? */
         MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_maxfr) = orig_maxfr;
    @@ -385,8 +435,8 @@ MR_define_entry(MR_pop_nondetstack_segment);
         printf("restore old nondet segment: new zone %p, new maxfr %p\n",
             MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone), orig_maxfr);
         printf("new maxfr: ");
    -    MR_printnondetstack(orig_maxfr);
    -    printf("new succip: ");
    +    MR_printnondetstack(stdout, orig_maxfr);
    +    printf(", new succip: ");
         MR_printlabel(stdout, orig_succip);
    diff --git a/runtime/mercury_stacks.h b/runtime/mercury_stacks.h
    index 52c3a7a..546813e 100644
    --- a/runtime/mercury_stacks.h
    +++ b/runtime/mercury_stacks.h
    @@ -98,17 +98,16 @@
       #define MR_nondetstack_extend_and_check(n)                                  \
             do {                                                                  \
    +            const int extend_n = (n);                                         \
                 MR_Word *new_maxfr;                                               \
                 MR_Word *threshold;                                               \
    -            int     incr;                                                     \
                 threshold = (MR_Word *) MR_CONTEXT(MR_ctxt_nondetstack_zone)->    \
                     MR_zone_extend_threshold;                                     \
    -            incr = MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE + (n);                                \
    -            new_maxfr = MR_maxfr + incr;                                      \
    +            new_maxfr = MR_maxfr + MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE + extend_n;           \
                 if (new_maxfr > threshold) {                                      \
                     MR_save_registers();                                          \
    -                new_maxfr = MR_new_nondetstack_segment(MR_maxfr, incr);       \
    +                new_maxfr = MR_new_nondetstack_segment(MR_maxfr, extend_n);   \
                     MR_restore_registers();                                       \
                     MR_succip_word =                                              \
                         (MR_Word) MR_ENTRY(MR_pop_nondetstack_segment);           \
    @@ -349,16 +348,19 @@ MR_declare_entry(MR_pop_nondetstack_segment);
         do {                                                                      \
             MR_Word *prevfr;                                                      \
             MR_Word *succfr;                                                      \
    +        MR_Code *save_succip;                                                 \
             prevfr = MR_maxfr;                                                    \
             succfr = MR_curfr;                                                    \
    -        MR_nondetstack_extend_and_check(numslots);                            \
    +        save_succip = MR_succip;                                              \
    +        MR_nondetstack_extend_and_check(numslots); /* can change succip */    \
             MR_nondetstack_post_extend_check();                                   \
             MR_curfr_word = MR_maxfr_word;                                        \
             MR_prevfr_slot_word(MR_curfr) = (MR_Word) prevfr;                     \
             MR_succip_slot_word(MR_curfr) = (MR_Word) MR_succip;                  \
             MR_succfr_slot_word(MR_curfr) = (MR_Word) succfr;                     \
             MR_redofr_slot_word(MR_curfr) = MR_curfr_word;                        \
    +        MR_succip_word = (MR_Word) save_succip;                               \
             MR_maybe_fill_table_detfr_slot();                                     \
             MR_debugmkframe(predname);                                            \
             MR_nondetstack_overflow_check();                                      \
    diff --git a/t/nondet_stseg.m b/t/nondet_stseg.m
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..70331a9
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/t/nondet_stseg.m
    @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
    +% Test nondet stack segments.
    +% MERCURY_OPTIONS='--nondetstack-size 8 --nondetstack-redzone-size 1 -C1' ./nondet_stseg
    +:- module nondet_stseg.
    +:- interface.
    +:- import_module io.
    +:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
    +:- implementation.
    +:- import_module int.
    +:- import_module list.
    +main(!IO) :-
    +    % Do a lot of nondet stuff.
    +    A = [1, 2],
    +    B = [10, 20, 30],
    +    (
    +        l_perm(A, As),
    +        trace [io(!IO)] (
    +            io.write_string("As = ", !IO),
    +            io.write(As, !IO),
    +            io.nl(!IO)
    +        ),
    +        l_perm(B, Bs),
    +        trace [io(!IO)] (
    +            io.write_string("Bs = ", !IO),
    +            io.write(Bs, !IO),
    +            io.nl(!IO)
    +        ),
    +        l_perm(Bs, Cs),
    +        l_perm(Cs, Ds),
    +        l_perm(Ds, Es),     % 2592
    +        l_perm(Es, Fs),     % 15552
    +        l_perm(Fs, Gs),     % 93312
    +        l_perm(Gs, Hs),     % should be 559872, got 559205
    +        trace [io(!IO)] (
    +            io.write_string("\tHs = ", !IO),
    +            io.write(Hs, !IO),
    +            io.nl(!IO),
    +            incr(!IO)
    +        ),
    +        As = Hs
    +    ->
    +        io.write_string("equal lists\n", !IO)
    +    ;
    +        io.write_string("not equal lists\n", !IO)
    +    ),
    +    get_n(N, !IO),
    +    io.write_int(N, !IO),
    +    io.write_string(" should equal 559872\n", !IO).
    +:- mutable(n, int, 0, ground, [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
    +:- pred incr(io::di, io::uo) is det.
    +incr(!IO) :-
    +    get_n(N, !IO),
    +    set_n(N + 1, !IO).
    +% Reproduce list.m procedures for easier debugging.
    +:- pred l_perm(list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is multi.
    +l_perm([], []).
    +l_perm([X | Xs], Ys) :-
    +    l_perm(Xs, Ys0),
    +    l_insert(X, Ys0, Ys).
    +:- pred l_insert(T::in, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is multi.
    +l_insert(Elem, List0, List) :-
    +    l_delete(List, Elem, List0).
    +:- pred l_delete(list(T)::out, T::in, list(T)::in) is multi.
    +l_delete([X | L], X, L).
    +l_delete([X | Xs], Y, [X | L]) :-
    +    l_delete(Xs, Y, L).
    +% vi: ft=mercury ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et
    diff file icon nondetstseg2.diff (15,373 bytes) 2008-08-01 14:53 +




wangp (developer)

I think this has nothing to do with debugging. The nondet stack segments
code seems just not to have been tested before.

The attached program crashes in asm_fast.gc.stseg if you set
MERCURY_OPTIONS=--nondet-stack-size <n> low enough to require more nondet
stack segments.


Some debugging notes:

* MR_nondetstack_extend_and_check calls MR_new_nondetstack_segment with
a second argument `incr', which is MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE + n. But we add
MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE again in MR_new_nondetstack_segment so
MR_NONDET_FIXED_SIZE is added twice.

* The start of MR_pop_nondetstack_segment is:

    orig_maxfr = (MR_Word *) MR_stackvar(1);
    orig_succip = (MR_Code *) MR_stackvar(2);

which looks suspiciously close to the corresponding lines in
MR_pop_detstack_segment. I think the value of maxfr should be restored from
the nondet stack, given that's where it's saved. And what's succip doing here?


wangp (developer)

nondetstseg2.diff contains my attempt to fix this.
MR_pop_nondetstack_segment() seems to pop off the top stack segment correctly
now. However, it seems MR_pop_nondetstack_segment() can be called prematurely
(I'm not sure why) leading to missing solutions.

Uploading the incomplete fix in case zs or someone else knows what to do.


wangp (developer)

Fix committed 2008-08-07.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-07-03 15:22 wangp New Issue
2008-07-18 17:09 wangp File Added: nondet_stseg.m
2008-07-18 17:12 wangp Note Added: 0000105
2008-08-01 14:53 wangp File Added: nondetstseg2.diff
2008-08-01 14:57 wangp Note Added: 0000110
2008-08-07 11:20 wangp Status new => resolved
2008-08-07 11:20 wangp Resolution open => fixed
2008-08-07 11:20 wangp Assigned To => wangp
2008-08-07 11:20 wangp Note Added: 0000115
+Issue History