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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000010mercuryBugpublic2015-11-29 16:08
Assigned Tojuliensf 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000010: :- pragma source_file ignored for warnings about unused imports in the interface.
DescriptionA :- pragma source_file directive at the top of a mercury file is ignored for warnings about unused imports in the interface.

Additional InformationCompiling the attached file with:

mmc sc


sc.m:001: In module `sc':
sc.m:001: warning: module `list' is imported in the interface, but is not
sc.m:001: used in the interface.
x:013: In clause for predicate `main'/2:
x:013: error: undefined predicate `foo'/2.

The warning has the wrong context.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
  • ? file icon sc.m (200 bytes) 2007-09-28 11:31




juliensf (administrator)

I don't think there is any point in dealing with this one until the
parse tree is restructured.


juliensf (administrator)

Fixed, although I'm not sure when, presumably as part of the parse tree restructure.
Regression test has been added.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-09-28 11:31 maclarty New Issue
2007-09-28 11:31 maclarty File Added: sc.m
2007-10-01 12:19 juliensf Note Added: 0000007
2007-10-01 12:19 juliensf Status new => confirmed
2015-11-29 16:08 juliensf Note Added: 0000868
2015-11-29 16:08 juliensf Status confirmed => resolved
2015-11-29 16:08 juliensf Resolution open => fixed
2015-11-29 16:08 juliensf Assigned To => juliensf
+Issue History