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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000037mercuryBugpublic2008-01-17 00:30
Assigned Tojuliensf 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000037: high-level C backend produces invalid C code
DescriptionThe attached test case causes the high-level C backend tries to initialise static data using
a function call (in order to box a float). The program compiles succesfully with the low-level
Additional InformationThis test case was derived from code generated by the experimental Zinc-to-Mercury
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juliensf (administrator)

Fixed. See log message of r1.121 of compiler/ml_unify_gen.m for details.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-01-15 11:39 juliensf New Issue
2008-01-15 11:39 juliensf File Added: bad_static_data.m
2008-01-15 11:40 juliensf Assigned To => juliensf
2008-01-15 11:40 juliensf Status new => assigned
2008-01-17 00:30 juliensf Status assigned => resolved
2008-01-17 00:30 juliensf Resolution open => fixed
2008-01-17 00:30 juliensf Note Added: 0000071
+Issue History