2025-02-09 18:49 AEDT

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000495mercuryBugpublic2020-10-06 21:33
Assigned Tozs 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000495: -O<n> options not additive
DescriptionThe -O<n> options are not additive in that they will reset certain options to default values, e.g. in

    mmc --optimise-constructor-last-call -O5 -C list.m

the --optimise-constructor-last-call option has no effect.

While the behaviour could be defended, I hit the problem trying to enable -O5 on the standard library by adding:


to Mmake.params. This silently disabled the --optimise-constructor-last-call option present in library/LIB_FLAGS. It turns out you need to write this instead:

    MCFLAGS += -O5
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zs (developer)

Feature implemented by 2020 september 29.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-02-04 14:02 wangp New Issue
2020-09-17 03:52 zs Assigned To => zs
2020-09-17 03:52 zs Status new => assigned
2020-10-06 21:33 zs Status assigned => resolved
2020-10-06 21:33 zs Resolution open => fixed
2020-10-06 21:33 zs Note Added: 0001107
+Issue History