2024-12-15 07:06 AEDT

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000529mercuryBugpublic2021-02-26 17:57
Assigned Tozs 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000529: higher order inst from existentially quantified data constructors
DescriptionAs reported on m-users 2021-02-16, deconstructing a data constructor with existentially quantified type variables leaves a higher order argument with inst 'ground' even if higher order inst information is available from the du type definition.
Steps To Reproduce% mmc -e exist_cons_ho_arg.m
exist_cons_ho_arg.m:026: In clause for `main(di, uo)':
exist_cons_ho_arg.m:026: in argument 1 (i.e. the predicate term) of
exist_cons_ho_arg.m:026: higher-order predicate call:
exist_cons_ho_arg.m:026: mode error: variable `Pred' has instantiatedness
exist_cons_ho_arg.m:026: `ground',
exist_cons_ho_arg.m:026: expecting higher-order pred inst of arity 1.
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zs (developer)

Fix committed 2021 feb 24.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-20 15:47 wangp New Issue
2021-02-20 15:47 wangp File Added: exist_cons_ho_arg.m
2021-02-26 17:57 zs Assigned To => zs
2021-02-26 17:57 zs Status new => resolved
2021-02-26 17:57 zs Resolution open => fixed
2021-02-26 17:57 zs Note Added: 0001132
+Issue History