2025-03-29 13:43 AEDT

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000549mercuryBugpublic2022-03-01 13:57
Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000549: Segmentation fault building stage 3 dependencies with GCC 9, -O6 and debug grades
DescriptionBuild staging 3 source file mappings or dependencies causes a segmentation fault when bootchecking
in either of the grades asm_fast.gc.debug.stseg or asm_fast.gc.decldebug.stseg. This occurs (only) when
compiling with -O6 (with and without --intermod-opt).

Mercury: 22.01-beta-2022-02-16
C compiler: GCC 9.3.1
OS: CentOS 7

The issue did not occur with same optimisation settings and GCC 4.8.5 on the same machine.
(I have GCC versions 10 and 11 installed on the same machine and will try them as well.)

Additional Informationmake: Target 'dep_library' not remade because of errors.
cd mdbcomp && PATH=../scripts:../util:../mfilterjavac:../../mfilterjavac:$PATH MMAKE_VPATH=. MMAKE_DIR=../scripts DESTDIR= ../scripts/mmake mer_mdbcomp.depend
gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/jfischer/release/mercury.git/stage3/mdbcomp'
config.status: creating MDBCOMP_FLAGS
/home/jfischer/release/betas/22.01-beta-2022-02-12/bin//mmc --grade asm_fast.gc.debug.stseg -O6 --intermod-opt --flags MDBCOMP_FLAGS -f *.m

*** Mercury runtime: caught strange segmentation violation ***
PC at signal: 28623904 (1b4c420)


home/jfischer/release/betas/22.01-beta-2022-02-12/bin//mmc --grade asm_fast.gc.decldebug.stseg -O6 --intermod-opt --flags GRADE_LIB_FLAGS -f *.m
Uncaught Mercury exception:
Software Error: predicate `io.record_env_var_equal_value'/3: Unexpected: No = in environment entry
Stack dump follows:
   0 pred exception.throw_impl/1-0 (erroneous) (exception.m:695)
   1 pred exception.throw/1-0 (erroneous) (exception.m:313)
   2 pred require.error/1-0 (erroneous) (require.m:172)
   3 pred require.unexpected/2-0 (erroneous) (require.m:203)
   4 pred io.record_env_var_equal_value/3-0 (det) (io.m:11818)
reached unknown label

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juliensf (administrator)

The issue does not occur with GCC 10.


juliensf (administrator)

The issue also does not occur with GCC 11.

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-02-18 22:50 juliensf New Issue
2022-02-27 02:19 juliensf Note Added: 0001180
2022-03-01 13:57 juliensf Note Added: 0001181
+Issue History