2024-07-27 09:33 AEST

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    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  00002362   Bugtextnew2011-11-28Documentation for unsorted_aggregate incorrect (trivial)
  00002331   Bugminorresolved (pbone)2011-11-24Parallel run-time system crashes.
  000022911 Bugcrashresolved (wangp)2011-11-24problem with static data on high-level C grades
  000023021 Bugmajorresolved (wangp)2011-11-23submodules inconsistently compiled with direct arg functors
  000022812   Bugmajorresolved (juliensf)2011-11-14library/lexer.c cannot be compiled with MSVC
  0000199    Bugminorresolved (wangp)2011-11-11unboxed floats for high-level code
  000022551 Bugtweaknew2011-11-04Module-level mutable with type "semaphore" causes hlc grade compilation to break.
  00002233   Bugminorresolved (wangp)2011-11-03thread.mvar.init/0 and thread.semaphore.init/1 should be marked impure
  000022432 Bugminornew2011-10-25STM broken without --inline-compound-threshold 10 --loop-invariants
  00002121   Bugtrivialresolved (juliensf)2011-10-25Documentation of --no-warn-undefined-options-variables is actually for --warn-undefined-options-variables
  0000221 1 Bugmajorresolved (maclarty)2011-10-24ho specialization bug
  00000991   Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2011-10-09Incorrect command-line options for Visual Studio
  000022022 Bugminornew2011-10-05Termination analysis produces spurious "termination constant of infinity" errors
  00001722   Bugminorassigned (juliensf)2011-10-05Building library in asm_fast.gc.debug aborts on FreeBSD 8.1
  0000219 2 Bugminorassigned (maclarty)2011-09-26declarative debugger abort
  00002182   Bugfeaturenew2011-09-26Feature request: mdb commands for working with common data structures.
  000021711 Bugmajorresolved (juliensf)2011-09-21Can't compile simple program
  000020751 Bugmajorresolved (zs)2011-09-06tree_bitset.difference bug
  00002161   Bugminorresolved (zs)2011-09-06hlc grade generates empty structs in static data
  00002151   Bugtextresolved (juliensf)2011-09-05Documentation of assoc_list.filter/4 is missing the TrueList argument
  00001731   Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2011-08-19man pages for 10.04.2 contain string "Error reading options file"
  00002101   Bugtextresolved (juliensf)2011-08-19Language Reference confuses maybeskel and listskel in "Insts, modes, and mode definitions"
  00002091   Bugminorresolved (wangp)2011-08-01java grade broken in rotd-2011-07-31
  00002051   Bugtextresolved (juliensf)2011-07-23Documentation of array.foldr2 references non-existent list.foldr2
  00002061   Bugtextresolved (juliensf)2011-07-23User's guide has incorrect short option name for mtc --output-file
  0000204 1 Bugminorresolved (wangp)2011-07-13Generated code seg faults
  00002021   Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2011-07-11Test failures in profdeep grades
  00001361   Bugminorconfirmed2011-07-04hard_coded/impl_def_literal fails with -O5 --intermodule optimization
  0000201    Bugcrashnew2011-06-11tests/par_conj/cosume_wait blocks before exiting.
  00001983   Bugtextresolved (juliensf)2011-05-19event is a keyword but not mentioned in documentation
  000019711 Bugminorresolved (zs)2011-05-16abort in state variable transformation
  000019422 Bugminorconfirmed2011-05-13Optimizations -O4 to -O6 causing wrong answer
  0000188 1 Bugminorresolved (wangp)2011-05-03structure-reuse and intermod-opt breaks type_list_subsumes
  00001951   Bugtweakconfirmed2011-04-07mmc --java ignores -o option
  0000192    Bugfeaturenew2011-03-23State variable record notation enhancement
  000019041 Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2011-03-18solver type constraint_store declaration has trouble unifying imported types
  00001891   Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2011-03-16foreign_enum is not 64-bit safe
  000010311 Bugminorresolved (zs)2011-03-08bug in lcmc transformation
  000018612 Bugminornew2011-02-22abort when --infer-all is enabled
  00001855   Bugmajorconfirmed2011-02-16Cannot make typeclass instance for parameterised equivalence type
  0000182    Bugminornew2011-02-02Segfaults could be reported better.
  00001773   Bugminornew2011-01-19incorrect C# code generated when compiling extras/moose
  00001791   Bugminorresolved (wangp)2011-01-18csharp grade library compilation failure on MinGW / MSYS with MS C# compiler
  0000178    Bugtweaknew2011-01-12browser/browser_test.m does not compile.
  00001761   Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2010-12-20incorrect install names on Mac OS X with mmake
  00001751   Bugminorresolved (juliensf)2010-12-16incorrect foreign_decl pragmas in ODBC binding
  00001192   Bugminorresolved (pbone)2010-12-13par_conj/consume_wait test is failing in low-level C parallel grades.
  00001703   Bugminorresolved (zs)2010-11-30stage 2 ssdb build failure on goliath
  0000169 1 Bugminornew2010-11-15Lambda predicates do not allow references to existing variables in the head
  0000168    Bugminornew2010-11-08prototypes of C functions used in io module not visible
